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Categoría con la barra lateral

» Categoría con la barra lateral

  • Nombre del producto con las palabras clave no más de 45 caracteres

    Products descriptions here, and put your 3 main keywords in the first section. on the first section, you can put the main product image. then is the fist section. or put the image after the first section, or where you like in the editor.

    • Presupuesto

    Products descriptions here, and put your 3 main keywords in the first section. on the first section, you can put the main product image. then is the fist section. or put the image after the first section, or where you like in the editor.

    Follow, please put your products details here. product detail texts keep 500-1000 characters as well. and if possible, please insert some pictures about the product. so can improve customer experience.

    last please add 2-3 tags for the products on the right sider bottom. and please control the total number of tags not too much. generally keep 30 tags is well.

    after do that. please select a product category on the right category section. then clickpublishto publish your product.

    It’s all done, it’s simple!

    El tema Bestway no utilizan todo en un plugin de SEO, el título de la página del uso del producto del título del producto, the description of the products page use the first section on the editor for 220 caracteres, the keywords of the product page use the product tags added by you.

    Categoría con la barra lateral

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